The New Year is here and Lock-itz® welcomes 2018.

This marks the conclusion of our 7th year selling love locks. Over the years we have seen many locks with a wide assortment of engravings. From the loving couples to the touching poetic rhymes to some really funny ones. Here are just a few of our recent favorites:


Linda & Dave

August 30, 1975

41 years +


Gravity Pulls on C & B


Love You

Sempre e per Sempre


You are my Forever



K + C = Forever


You make me complete


Kristen & Jon

I love you to the Moon and back



Will you Marry Me?



How fun is it to be able to say what you want on one of our locks. Apparently Joey from Kansas City did to Jenny and it worked out GREAT. He sent us a picture with Jenny’s hand showing off a beautiful diamond ring!  I guess you could say Lock-itz® is a proud sponsor of spreading love and bringing people together.  So what do you say? Is there someone out there for you?  Let us help and let them know what your heart is saying this New Year.

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Christmas and the Holidays are upon us once again. The years keep ticking by and we keep sending LOVE.

Over the years we have been in the business of sharing love. This was the sole purpose of starting Lock-itz®.

The most gratifying gift we can give at Lock-itz® is knowing that each lock we engrave is meant for love. Thousands upon thousands of our love locks have been shipped around the world. We’ve shipped our love locks to every state and over fifty different countries. We reach the world and its four corners.

This world needs love and needs to focus on giving. The best Holiday gift is giving and expecting nothing in return. This holiday think of someone and send a heart engraved with something special on it. A small token of friendship, meaningful thought or words of encouragement can help spread our simple message.

Every day I wake up to check our orders and read the words of our customers and their special messages. What a great way to start the day! Some are simple with just initials and a heart and others our thoughtful words that are unique to their special person. Reading the messages keeps hope in my heart that we all share the same bond and desire to love.

So this holiday season Lock-itz® wishes you and your family a Happy Holidays.

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Love Locks represent a desire and spirit of locking love for lovers in the form of engraved padlocks forever.

Love locks from all over the world are being engraved with names, dates, and sweet words that announce to the world expressions of love. Lover’s lock their padlocks to an iron fence or rail and hide their keys to seal their undying love for each other.

Lock-itz® was the first in the United States to help people express their thoughts of their special loved one. The idea started with a simple question after seeing a lock with a name on it in Central Park back in 2011. My wife asked “Does anyone sell these on the internet?” Great question.

We got home later in the evening and remembered the lock and did a google search and found many pictures from around the world. Of course Paris was first on the search with tons of pictures but no sites to market the idea. Our son who is quite the tech guy quickly made a dummy web page to test the waters. Once the site went live orders came in immediately and we scrambled to find a padlock to actually sell and then figure out how to engrave the locks. It so happened that less than a mile from home was a local engraver and we quickly developed a wonderful relationship. The business took off and orders came in 24 hours a day seven days a week. We’ve been going steady now for seven years with no end in sight. Love is the one underlying trait that everyone feels and shares and there is no end to love.

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