Love is in the AIR

Love is in the AIR

2018 starts a new year of love. Is there someone special in your life? Maybe this is the year to take a step forward and say what really is in your heart.

Lock-itz® has a question for you? “What is your heart saying in 2018?” Make a list and write everything and anything that your heart has to say. Speak from your heart and don’t be shy. Is there that special person that you’ve be wanting to say the three magic words to or maybe you just don’t say it enough. It’s simple and sweet.


The three complete words that can be hard to say at times. We at Lock-itz® want to make it simple for you to say it on a heart lock with an adorable key that can be used as a charm.

Valentine’s Day is only 5 weeks away. Start planning now to pop that question or just say those three simple words – I LOVE YOU.

Use us to make it simple and easy and say what your heart has been saying all along.

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