Schools are going to be out for summer. Are you a school looking for a really neat idea for your end of the year awards?
Our DOG TAGS – we call them Taglitz are PERFECT!
School orders are rolling in and the demand is high this year.

We most likely have your school or team color and can engrave ANYTHING. Customize them with the students name or just a simple engraving like “Orange Team Super Star”.

One great idea comes from Darien, CT…they honor their students with a dog tag if they earned an “A” in all four quarters of the year in the core subjects: English, math, science, world language and world studies. What a GREAT idea…thank you Middlesex Middle School and congratulations to your outstanding students.

Another great idea comes from a customer in MA. Their children are going to summer camp and they got special tags for each of their kids. Thank you Pierce family!

We offer discounts to schools and large orders.
Contact us NOW. email:

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