Because of the Holiday WEEKEND orders received before Thursday (22nd) 9:00am EST will not be mailed until Tuesday, May 27th.   Orders received after 9:00am Thursday (22nd) will not be mailed until Saturday May 31st.

Have a wonderful Memorial Weekend and GOD BLESS the men and women that have died for our country while serving in the US Armed Forces.

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It’s that time of year when are not so little ones are taking a big step. Some leaving the friendly confines of high school and some leaving university. Celebrate their moving on and locking up their education with a love lock. Want a neat idea for your graduating class……get your school to designate a spot on your campus and have all your classmates leave a memory behind for all to see from the class of 2014.  We would love to give back to your school by donating a portion of your purchase back. Contact us to see how we can help.

Congrats Ashley
Congrats Ashley
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