
What Lock-itz Customers are saying…

June 18, 2015

Hi Lock-itz!
Received the locks today.
They are FABULOUS. Beautiful engraving on high quality materials. I love the colour!
You may be interested to know that come August, the large HEART lock will be residing on the most western coast of Canada, Vancouver Island’s Wild Pacific Trail.
Thank you for your help in making this order happen.



Good afternoon Lock-itz…..Just a note I received my order today.
I’ve got to say thank you for your exceptional service in this matter. As you might recall, I was quite concerned being it was just this last Tuesday which I was placing my order for which I needed by this upcoming Saturday. It was you who replied personally by phone ensuring it would be of no problem to have lock here in Kansas City before the 14th. Well, hats off to you.
The lock has arrived in great fashion and thanks again….it is not too often one finds such satisfaction in a transaction from its start to its end these days and am compelled to tell ya so…..keep it up and you will be just fine…….have a great evening

Bryan A.
Kansas City, Mo (the good side)


Dear Lock-Itz,

I want to thank you for your superior customer service. I ordered locks for our trip to Paris with our niece for her high school graduation. A few days before we were scheduled to leave, I realized the locks had not arrived. I contacted the company through its contact form on the website, having no hope of hearing from anyone. Almost immediately, I received an email from the Chief Sales Officer. He graciously offered to re-route our shipment to our niece’s home. We will be able to pick them up–with her, on our way to Paris. I really did not expect to get an email and to have my concerns addressed. I can’t say enough about the customer service. I can’t wait to see the locks and to put them on the Pont des Arts. It will be a great surprise for our niece. Thank you again, Lock-Itz!This post is sponsored by our partners Wigs

Dear Lock-itz,

I wanted to let you know that I really appreciate your business! I love the locks and now I have the perfect gift to give before our trip to Paris where they locks will stay. I have a friend who will be traveling to Paris soon as well;
I will recommend your company for this unique gift!
Thanks again!

Anniversary Gift

“My new husband and I first learned of Love Locks on our honeymoon to Paris! For Christmas, I wanted to give him a lock to take on our next European adventure. I ordered a gold lock with our names, wedding date and a message special to us. The lock arrived quickly and was packaged beautifully but I thought the engraving was too light against the gold color I chose. I emailed Lock-itz® and heard back from them the same day. Without questions, they offered to make a new lock, which not many businesses would do today. I reordered a black lock and it was perfect. My husband just loved his gift!” – Nicole

“Thanks for some amazingly super customer service! I really appreciate you working with me to get me what I want…” – Heather 🙂

“I bought my Lock-itz® padlock as gift to my wife for our anniversary. She absolutely loved it! She bragged to all of her friends about how unique and creative I was for thinking of this.” – Brad

“My wife and I recently celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary and we purchased the silver padlock. We renewed our wedding vows and locked our love and threw away the key together in the place I proposed to her. Thank you Lock-itz®!” – Frank and Irene

“Hi I just received the lock that my husband and I ordered! It is beautiful! Just perfect! My husband came up with a very unique idea to use it as decoration! We are going to put it in a photo and a few shell momentos from our 2009 destination wedding in a shadow box and use the lock to lock it in a decorative fashion! So very excited! THANKS SO MUCH!” – Melissa

Just what I was looking for

“A brilliant and creative way to send a message of love. Ordering could not be easier or faster! I highly recommend this unique gift idea and website to everyone I know! Thank you!” – Abby

“I was scouring the web for something different to give my girlfriend this year for Valentine’s Day. I wanted to make it special something that she would always remember. I found the Lock-itz.com® website and I knew that this would be perfect.” – Greg

“HI! We are finally back from Riga Latvia. We went to Latvia to adopt our newest son. He is 12 years old. We “locked” our forever family lock on the bridge in the park over the canal and tossed the key away. 🙂 Thank you for making our very special lock and getting it to us super fast! We have already had other adoptive families emailing us pictures of our lock in Riga. A fabulous new tradition for all adoptive families!” – Paula

or Share Your Story »  We’d love to hear from you.

Wedding Planner

“I’ve been in the wedding planning business for 10 years. I found your website and suggested it to a few of my clients and they immediately incorporated it into their wedding plans. They are classy and elegant and now I include it in all my presentations. Thank you for this GREAT idea!” – Emily A.

Romantic Traveler

“Such a beautiful gift, loaded with meaning for each individual. You do very special work creating these tangible memories for people… I hope our lock will bring us good luck as we finally start our lives together.” – Nicole

“My wife and I recently took a trip to San Francisco. Before traveling we came across your website and thought what a neat idea to engrave our names and date on a lock and leave it locked in some special place in San Fran. I know it might sound cheesy but we renewed our love in San Fran and left our lock forever.” – Chris and Debbie

Great Idea

“The Lock-itz® customer service was excellent. They replied promptly to my emailed questions with very helpful answers.” – Erica

“Just wanted to let you know, I have received my engraved padlock. It is brilliant! It is such a cool idea, not what people expect, so much better than your normal boring present. Many thanks” – Kevin

“The lock came today. It is beautiful! Thank you for your great service. Best Regards” – Elaine

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